Thursday, 20 January 2011

Light Paintings

Coming up now some light painting abstracts. These were taken on a cold Tuesday night, my intention had been to head out and photograph some interesting car light trail pictures but I decided it was to cold so I decided to some similar long exposure shots but in a much more abstract way.

These were all taken at f22 on Bulb using a remote shutter release and various different colours of lights.

Ink in water abstracts

A simple @home project that didn’t go as well as I had hoped mainly due to lack of a close enough focusing lens. 

Used food colours rather than ink but idea is the same. A nice large square vase fill with water lens against the glass start shooting rapid frame and drop some ink or dye or whatever in and capture the results.
Set up - Useing a sheet to diffuse the window light and a mirror at other side to bounce back some light.

The problems came from the fact I don’t have a lens with a close enough focus distance so I couldn’t have the lens against the glass. Also I was trying to over expose the image in camera to give a really white background which didn’t help the sharpness. Don’t know why I didn’t crank the ISO up a bit and then I could have gone with a smaller aperture and hopefully sharper images. I think I will be trying this one again and see if I can get better results.

Two sequential drops

A big squirt of red followed by some blue

Some nice lines shame about the sharpness

A Really nice pouring look again shame about the sharpness

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The First Post

What’s it all about?

Well strangely enough it’s mainly about photography. I'm starting to really take my photography seriously recently and I wanted somewhere where I can share my ideas and my picture. I'd also love to receive critique and ideas and suggestions from any readers who decide to follow the blog. If you have any great pictures you want to share I’d love to see them too.

It’s fairly late here at the moment so I’m going to leave it at that for now at least so far as the typing goes but as it is a photography blog I suppose I had better include at least one photo.

If you would like to see more of my photos have a look here